Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Birthday party for Stefani ---

This was just posted by my agency CHina representative and friend, Stefani--
thank you---

I think we need a birthday party, don't you?! It is my 45th birthday tomorrow on 3/30 and I share it with some of our delightful CHI children. There will be lots of presents, cake and frosting to be sure for many of us. But one of them is still waiting to get home and her family needs a little help in collecting the funds. She is still waiting for her turn to be Belle of the Ball.

I would really, truly, expressly love it to see us have a birthday party that would bring some cheer to our cyber family and funds for Brighton's adoption fund.

Can we see a huge donation of cheer? I bet we sure can! To put on a party we need decorations. Who can help? What we'll do is donate the money and figuratively decorate our ballroom. Please look at the price list and see what you can contribute! We'll need LOTS of decorations so pick what you can help with. If you can think of anything else I missed make sure to let the group know.

Balloons $5
Streamers $5
Punch $10
Party Hats $10
Party Blowers $10
Gift Bags $20
Presents $20
Disco Ball $50
Multi tied Birthday Cake, each tier is $ many tiers high can we built it???

I know we can have the Ball of the Year!! Lets see just how much fun we can create. When you have "purchased" your item, please post to let us know so we can all imagine our glittering ballroom.

Stefani Ellison
China Program Coordinator
Children's House International

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